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Ted's Clash Review

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Rated TV-14 for Violence!

The show kicks off with the Survivor Series after-party, with Gene Okerlund in the "bowels of the Joe Louis Arena". Unfortunately, no word on whether Gene found the Pistons' pride down there. He finds new WWF Champion The Undertaker hanging out down there with Paul Bearer. Bearer promises that Taker will eviscerate Hogan, and urges Gene to look in the casket that he just happens to have with him. This guy knows how to throw a party, doesn't he? The look on Okerlund's face when he looks in the casket is priceless, nice sell job. Undertaker says that Hulkamania died at Survivor Series and now all that is left is the burial job.

Live from the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, TX. Your commentators are Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan. The crowd is JACKED!! Gorilla and Brain run down the card.

Match #1: Bret Hart (c) vs. Skinner - WWF Intercontinental Championship

Skinner gets the "already in the ring" treatment while the Hit Man's music plays the champion down to the ring. Bret gives his cheap sunglasses to some teen girl in the front row and SHE LOSES HER MIND!! Lock up and Hart throws Skinner off. Arm drag from Bret and into an arm bar. Skinner shoves him to the ropes, Bret comes off with a shoulder block then hits the atomic drop, regular and inverted, then clotheslines Skinner over the top ad to the floor. Back in, Bret gets the arm again and pounds away. Skinner tries to shove Bret off, but Bret hangs on. Legdrop to the arm, and back to the arm lock. Skinner makes the ropes and Bret breaks. Lock up, but Bret reverses an arm lock to one of his own. Skinner grabs another one, but Bret elbows out, takes Skinner down and stomps the midsection. Skinner shoves Bret into the corner post to take over. Bret rolls to the outside, as Skinner stomps him as he tries to get back in. Bret does make it back in, Skinner whips him to the ropes and gets an abdominal stretch. Of course, Gorilla says that the toes don't go all the way around the ankle. Skinner with a shoulder breaker for a 2 count. Skinner takes Bret's head to the corner, then a whip to the opposite corner is blocked with a boot from Bret, who then misses an elbow from the middle. The ref is distracted so Skinner grabs his gator claw and nails Bret with it. Skinner chokes Bret out on the ropes then stands on the throat. Skinner's psychology is all over the place here. Skinner whips Bret to the corner, who does his patented corner bump. Skinner chokes away and the ref orders a break. Crowd trying to get Bret back into it as Skinner clubs away. Skinner hits the Slop Drop! THAT'S HIS MOVE!! 1....2....kick out! Skinner to the middle rope, jumps off and hits Bret's boot. Bret pops up quickly and starts punching away. Whip off the ropes, Bret with a back elbow. Off the ropes again, shot to the midsection, into the Russian legsweep. 1...2...kick out. Suplex from Bret gets two. Backbreaker and then the middle rope elbow hits. 1...2...kick out! Skinner rolls him up, gets a 2 count, and Bret kicks out, sending Skinner to the floor. They fight out there a few seconds, then Skinner tries to suplex Bret in, he goes over, but Skinner blocks a roll up by hanging on to the ropes. Skinner goes to the top now, but Bret recovers and tosses Skinner to the mat, then goes for the Sharpshooter. SKINNER TAPS!! Not really, he said "Yes". (13:46) **

WINNER: and still WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart. The Hit Man was taking the night off with this one while Skinner didn't show much. This could have been a house show opener.

We throw to Sean Mooney in the locker room with Jake Roberts. Jake says he got a rush from seeing Elizabeth's eyes and hearing her squeal when he attacked Randy Savage with a cobra on Superstars.
Now to Okerlund with the freshly reinstated Savage. Savage says that he will be the one to get a rush when he beats Jake for the three count and looks at Elizabeth and sees love and admiration. Jake's music hits while Savage is still talking and he takes off....

Match #2: Randy Savage vs. Jake Roberts.

...and rushes Jake as he's headed to the ring. A crazed Savage attacking while wearing that feather in his hat should really be more of an iconic image. Jake tries to bail, but Savage goes after him and they fight outside. Back in the ring, Jake begs off, but it's a ploy as Jake goes low and then tosses Savage to the floor. Jake reverses a Savage attempt to ram him into the post, then wraps the arm around the post for further damage. Savage takes his time getting back in, goes low on Jake a few times, staggering him, but Jake comes back with an inverted atomic drop. Jake knees the snake-bitten arm and tries to peel off the bandage. Jake hits the arm off the turnbuckle, then rams Savage's head there. Savage hits a back elbow, but Jake keeps coming back. Off the ropes, Savage kicks Jake, but Jake keeps coming. Savage with an elbow and then reverses a corner whip. Jake boots Savage, and then hits the short-arm clothesline. The crowd boos Jake lustily, and signals for the DDT. Savage rams Jake into the corner hard, then climbs to the top and HITS THE ELBOW!! 1....2....3!!! (6:26) **1/2

WINNER: Randy Savage. Nothing much to the match, as it was rather short and disappointing, given the build that this thing had to it. The emotion was there, however. After the match, Savage goes for a chair, is cock-blocked by Tony Garea, and goes for the bell instead. The ref takes the bell from Savage, allowing Jake the opportunity to DDT Savage! Then Jake hits a second DDT! Jake makes like he's leaving after being berated by a Hebner (I don't know which one), but turns around. He tells the camera that he gave Jack Tunney his word, but then pulls out a bag from under the ring. At this point, Elizabeth runs out and covers Savage, screaming at Jake to stop. This is the most emotion I've ever seen from Liz. Jake's taunting is tremendous, begging Savage to get to his feet. Jake points at Elizabeth and hits Savage with another DDT! Jake starts to unwrap the bag and pulls out his snake glove. Jake orders Elizabeth to beg for Savage. "If you want to save his ass, you beg now." Then Jake grabs Liz by the hair and pulls her to her feet and SMACKS HER IN THE FACE!! Son of a bitch! Finally, Tunney comes out and orders Jake to leave, who swears there is no snake in the bag. Now THIS was an angle, and Jake Roberts is the most evil human being on the planet. Refs and other officials come down to help Savage to the back.

Okerlund is with Roberts backstage. "No man wants a woman who grovels and begs for her man's life". Jake says that was the best feeling of his life. He would pay to slap Elizabeth, it felt so good. Jake Roberts, you are one sick and evil bastard. This interview should be on tape down at NXT.

Match #3: The British Bulldog vs. The Warlord (w/ Harvey Whippleman).

These two have shown some crazy chemistry together before, as their Wrestlemania VII match was way better than it looked on paper. Lock up and Warlord shoves Bulldog into the corner. Another lock up and Warlord shoves him into the ropes. A third lock up and now Bulldog shoves Warlord off. Warlord gets advice from Harvey. That advice: Don't get in a car with Joey Marella (who is actually reffing this match). Warlord calls for a test of strength but kicks Bulldog in the gut instead. Bulldog takes Warlord down after catching a boot. Warlord takes Bulldog to the corner, but Bulldog comes back with a clothesline over the top. Bulldog tries to hit a dive but Warlord catches him and posts him. Bulldog blocks a turnbuckle spot, then climbs to the top and hits a flying dropkick! A clothesline ties Warlord in the ropes, and Bulldog punches away. Bulldog then tries a dive, but Warlord gets out and Bulldog hits the ropes hard. Warlord stomps away on the back, then hits a back bodydrop. Warlord takes Bulldog to the corner, then whips him hard into the corner and hits the bearhug. Bulldog tries to slug out of it, but Warlord comes back with a belly-to-belly suplex. Warlord steps on Bulldog. Warlord slugs away on the back. Cover...1....2...kick out! Warlord with a whip but puts the head down and receives a kick. Bulldog tries to cover with a sunset flip...1...2...kick out! Warlord goes for the Full Nelson, and Gorilla says he doesn't have the fingers locked. Bulldog goes down to a knee as the crowd tries to bring him back. This goes on for a minute or two before Bulldog suddenly comes to his feet and starts to muscle out of the Nelson. Bulldog starts to fade again and this is a long Full Nelson segment. Warlord just tosses Bulldog to the mat to end that and takes his head to the buckle. Whip to the corner is met with a Bulldog boot. Off the middle with a clothesline for Bulldog.  Delayed suplex for Bulldog. 1...2...kick out! Bulldog whips him to the corner and follows in for a clothesline. Powerslam attempt fails as Warlord falls on top for the cover...1...2..kick out! Whip to the ropes and Bulldog gets a crucifix. 1...2....3! (12:45) ***

WINNER: The British Bulldog. This was a pretty good power match between two guys who had no business having good matches together. The full nelson segment went a little long but this was the best you will see The Warlord.

Sean Mooney backstage with an incensed and loony Randy Savage. He says it's the worst day of his life and it's his own fault. Savage is nuts here, rightfully so. He vows to get Jake. He appears to be in physical pain as he repeats "He touched Elizabeth". Mooney looks like he wants to get the hell out of there. Awesome stuff from Savage here.

Match #4: Tito Santana & Virgil vs. Ted DiBiase & Repo Man (w/ Sensational Sherri).

Repo Man helped DiBiase win back the Million Dollar Belt during the Survivor Series Showdown, setting up this match. Santana in his El Matador gimmick here. Match starts with Tito and Repo. Lock up, Repo looks to break but kicks Tito. Tito comes back with an arm wringer, but Repo slugs out. Tito hits a shoulderblock, then an arm drag. Repo whips, reversed by Tito, a couple of Ole spots, Virgil nails Repo and Tito hits another arm wringer.  couple of blocked hip tosses, and Tito sends Repo to the floor. Back in, Tito hits a clothesline. Repo tags out to DiBiase and the crowd wants Virgil and Virgil will only oblige them if they buy an autographed 8x10. DiBiase takes Virgil to the corner and unloads. Virgil with a sunset flip for 2. Atomic drop sends DiBiase to the floor. DiBiase back in, jaws with Tito, and Virgil clotheslines him back out. Back in the ring, DiBiase hits a back elbow on a corner whip attempt. Repo tagged in and slams Virgil. Into DiBiase's boot now. DiBiase chokes Virgil with the tag rope while Repo distracts the ref. DiBiase in now with a whip and a clothesline. Tito comes in, allowing the heels a double team move. Repo in and slugs away. Virgil tries to come back, but DiBiase is tagged in again. Gut wrench suplex gets 2. Virgil hits a swinging neckbreaker and seeks the hot tag and gets it. Tito whips Repo into a back elbow. A couple of dropkicks and now he hits the flying forearm. DiBiase trips up Tito from the outside and Repo sends him to the flooe. DiBiase send Tito into the stairs and then back into the ring. Repo covers for 2. Whip into the ropes and a kick to the midsection. Tag to DiBiase who comes off the middle with a double axhandle. A false tag for Tito leads to some double teaming from the heels. Repo whips but both guys clothesline each other. The crowd is pretty hot for that hot tag. Virgil gets it and whips DiBiase into a clothesline. Virgil is a house of fire! Russian legsweep...1...2...Repo saves. It's breaking loose with everyone in the ring and Sherri hits DiBiase with her show by accident. Repo gets a knee into Virgil's back, DiBiase makes the cover...1....2....3! (11:28) ***

WINNERS: Ted DiBiase & Repo Man. Good tag team match here. Decent work by the heel team, a coupe of heat segments for the faces and everybody came out looking good.

Okerlund backstage with Hulk Hogan. Hogan says that he felt the squeeze of The Undertaker, but the real survivors at Survivor Series were the little Hulkamaniacs. Hogan warns Flair to stay out of his face and promises the Little Hulksters that the WWF title will be back where it belongs. Hogan is going to bury The Undertaker. Shoot comments, brother!

Match #5: Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker (c) (w/ Paul Bearer) - WWF Championship

Hogan rips the shirt off on the way to the ring because he wants to jump Taker, who catches him coming in with some stomps. Hogan takes out Bearer, whips Taker to the corner and does the ten punch count along. Jack Tunney has taken a seat at ringside. Hogan with an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline but Taker doesn't go down. Hogan goes for a slam, but Taker avoids it. After some slugging between the two, Hogan gets the slam, then clotheslines Taker to the floor, who lands on his feet. Hogan pulls Taker up to the apron and slugs away. Taker pulls Hogan to the floor and lands some thrusts. Crowd is hot for Hogan. Taker chokes Hogan down to the floor. Hogan back in, and Taker chokes some more. In the corner now, and Taker chokes some more. MOVESET!! Hogan powers Taker across the ring to the opposite corner, then whips Taker to the other corner, but meets boot. Taker does the ropewalk and Hogan goes down. More fucking choking from Taker. Hogan pulls Taker outside but Taker reverses a whip into the post. Taker shoves Hogan back in and prepares the choking hand again. This time it's a clawhold to the head. Hogan down for a 2 count while Taker holds the claw. The crowd gets Hogan back in it. Taker fucks up running the ropes, then Hogan meets boot in the corner. HUGE flying clothesline from Taker running the ropes. Cover...1....2....slow kick out from Hogan. Taker going for the ropewalk again but this time Hogan pulls him down. Here comes Flair down to the ring, as Hogan hulks up. Hogan clotheslines Taker to the floor. Flair is arguing with Tunney outside, as Hogan takes a chair and wallops Flair, who falls on Tunney. Back in, Hogan hits a running elbow to Taker who won't go down. Taker goes to ram Hogan into a chair held by Flair, it's reversed by Hogan, who hits the big boot. Bearer hits Taker with the urn by accident, Hogan takes the urn, finds some ashes and throws them in Taker's face, blinding him. Hogan rolls Taker up...1...2....3! (13:09) 1/2*

WINNER: And NEW WWF Champion, Hulk Hogan. Horrible match. The Undertaker was really limited by the gimmick back in the day. Just waaaaay too much choking. Crowd was hot, though. The finish was bad, but it sets up the angle with the title.

Tunney is conversing with the referee on on what happened. Gorilla makes a dumb statement by saying the referee's decision is final and there's nothing Tunney can do about it. Hogan celebrates in the ring which is rather short as far as post-match Hogan goes.

That weekend, on Superstars, Tunney makes the announcement that he is stripping Hogan of the title due to the way he won the match. He declares the 1992 Royal Rumble match winner will be the NEW WWF Champion. That, my friends, is another show.

As for this show, it was a pretty good 90 minutes. It breezed by, with plenty of good action and angle advancement. The Savage-Roberts post-match and promos steal this show by far. Recommended viewing.


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